Riqueza Digital

Importance of warranties in customer satisfaction

How to offer guarantees to increase sales

Warranties are one of the best tools to reduce the customer’s perceived risk during the purchase of a product, and help to increase confidence in both the product and our brand, as well as in a particular offering.

By offering money-back guarantees or satisfaction guaranteed policies, we demonstrate our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. This can eliminate customer objections and motivate them to purchase and conveys a sense of security and durability.

All warranties we may offer must be clearly and transparently communicated to our customers at the time prior to purchase, and during the purchase itself.

Warranties must be made public and warranty certificates must be signed and stamped accordingly and contain a visible date of purchase as well as the expiration date of the warranty. This is part of any good practice policy and can also help us to build trust and a good reputation.

It is very important to be serious, thorough and consistent with our warranties and to manage their use well as part of after-sales or customer service, as this builds long-term customer loyalty and a good image for the company.

Whenever we make an offer, let’s keep in mind to offer guarantees to back it up. It will undoubtedly help us to remove barriers to purchase and increase sales significantly.

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