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The importance of weekly review in time management

Evaluate your accomplishments every week

When we talk about time, and especially when we focus on time management, we always refer to time in blocks. Whether in hours, days, weeks or months.

Let’s focus for the moment on the weekly review, and we will see why it is so important, and how to carry it out effectively.

The week is the most common natural repetitive block that covers both your personal and work activities, so it is an ideal period to use as a benchmark to review how your approach has been, the tasks completed and those pending, and to make an evaluation of performance or achievements.

The weekly review gives you the opportunity to evaluate your progress towards your longer-term goals and is a sufficient time frame to adjust your strategy if you detect variations. While it is clear that you should dedicate a specific time each week to perform such a review of your achievements and pending tasks, it does not have to involve too much time, and since the advantages are notorious, the time you dedicate to this review will bring you clear benefits, you will be able to identify areas for improvement, you will be able to recognize your successes and achievements and the number of tasks you have completed, and you will be able to use all this information to plan your next steps better and better, because it will always bring you more clarity and precision, and therefore it is of great help in decision making and in the optimal planning of the next weekly period.

The weekly review allows you to maintain a sense of accountability with yourself, as it forces you to be accountable to yourself for your progress and results. Naturally there will be times when you will not like the results or progress that week, but in any case, this helps you to stay focused on your goals and persevere with them, and you can take concrete steps to move towards them the following week.

That is why it is necessary to be very consistent with these weekly reviews to make them a really effective tool. Knowing this in advance, be sure to set aside a specific time in your schedule each week to dedicate exclusively to this self-assessment activity.

Also, don’t hesitate to use the same tools you have been using in your daily planning or any other timeframe as a support, and therefore, you can use classic tools such as checklists, agendas and calendars.

For your review to be adequate and well structured it must cover all the important aspects of both your life and your work. You will achieve great success in all your goals and activities if you use weekly reviews wisely.

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