Riqueza Digital

How to use a Kanban board for time management

Visualize your tasks with Kanban

You can use a Kanban board to improve your time management and increase your productivity in all your activities, and if you don’t know what it is, we are going to explain it here.

A Kanban board consists of a series of columns that represent different stages of your workflow, such as “To Do”, “In Progress” and “Done”. Each task is represented as a card that you simply move from one column to another as you progress in the processing of each of those tasks. There is no mystery to it. Precisely the key to a Kanban board is its simplicity and flexibility.

By visualizing your tasks on a Kanban board, you will quickly identify which activities are pending, in progress or completed. You could even add a column for those tasks that are “pending something”, i.e. those whose fulfillment depends on another previous task, the action of a third party or any other event that must occur beforehand.

The fact is that a well-managed and updated Kanban board will help you drastically to prioritize your tasks, allocate resources as needed, maximize your efficiency and minimize time wasted on non-productive tasks because in many cases, you can also organize the cards in each column by priority level or by their weight in the achievement of objectives, with systems that even allow you to assign a deadline to certain tasks, so you can take into account the proximity or remoteness of this deadline to plan even better.

A Kanban board, which can be physical or through a digital tool, has the particularity of providing you with a clear view of your workload and helps you identify bottlenecks and areas of congestion in your process. You can then proactively take action to address these issues and maintain a more consistent and efficient workflow.

To use a Kanban board, simply create a board with columns representing the stages of your workflow and move your task cards from one column to another as you move through your process.

Among the physical tools with which you can set up a Kanban board, you have whiteboards and sticky cards, which are cheap and efficient. But you also have multiple online applications where you can create and manage your Kanban board. In fact, these boards are often part of project management or team management tools. But regardless of which method you choose, you should keep in mind that a Kanban board can bring you a great benefit and can become one of your most powerful tools in terms of time management, having more than proved to be one of the best tools to increase your own and others’ productivity, and you can put it to use in almost all your activities.

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