If you do not understand the interlocutor you have in front of you and his real needs, you will not be able to sell him anything. Among the possible ways of understanding, the most direct and efficient is active listening.
Knowing how to develop active listening and empathy are crucial skills in the sales process, and every good salesperson should be able to handle them with ease. This naturally involves paying full attention to the customer’s needs and concerns, but it also includes certain techniques, such as asking open-ended questions, reflecting aloud on the customer’s answers and generally taking a position that shows our real empathy and understanding of their needs.
By improving active listening, we can better understand the customer’s needs and desires, identify sales opportunities and ultimately build stronger and more lasting relationships.
When demonstrating an interest in the customer, it must be genuine and never feigned. If we manage to achieve this connection with the customer, we will be differentiating ourselves from the competition in a clear way that the customer will perceive positively, thus increasing their trust in our brand or our offer, a loyalty that will be reciprocated.