Riqueza Digital

Techniques for creating emotional anchors in sales

How to associate your product with positive values

If we get our product to be associated with positive values, we will increase its attractiveness and we will be generating a deeper emotional connection with customers.

There are many ways to make our brand or our product be associated with certain values. We can for example highlight that our product contributes to charitable causes or that it promotes values such as sustainability, equality or innovation, that it brings environmental or energy benefits, or that it is related to moral or social values.

An appropriate association of our product or brand with a certain set of positive values differentiates us from our competitors and increases the general perception of the value of our offer.

Special care must be taken to connect with positive values that everyone shares, avoiding merely ideological connections or polemic tendencies. The values must be solid, pleasant and commonly perceived and accepted by the community. At least, by our target audience and potential customers.

By aligning our product with the beliefs and values of our audience, we can build stronger and more lasting relationships with customers and also foster a sense of belonging that will end up strengthening our image as a brand, and generate sales that have a positive impact on society directly or indirectly.

The positive values with which we must seek to associate ourselves must have meaning and relevance within our company policies or the use of the product or service we offer. Logically, it makes no sense to join the cause of saving the whales if we are selling fishing spears.

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