Riqueza Digital

Techniques for obtaining commitments in sales

How to obtain customer commitment in sales

Commitment is an essential part of the sales process that involves obtaining the customer’s acceptance or agreement on a series of actions or decisions.

This can include small commitments, such as answering yes to a question or accepting a free sample, as well as larger commitments, agreement on certain decisions such as colors or features, or such as making a pre-purchase before a larger order is produced Naturally, we will need to tailor our commitment elicitation strategy to the nature of our product or service and our marketing action.

What is clear is that by gaining customer commitment, even small and circumstantial commitments, we can build on them to move the sales process forward and increase the likelihood of achieving a successful close.

In addition, by generating a sense of reciprocity in the customer, we can strengthen our relationship and increase their willingness to commit to our commercial proposals, since obtaining small commitments generates a kind of “debt” by consent, which will ultimately tip the balance in our favor during the sales process.

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