Riqueza Digital

How to use persuasive questions in sales

Steer the conversation towards your objectives

Directing the conversation towards the sale in a natural way is a skill that we must train as part of our commercial skills. Part of the persuasion process consists of skillfully guiding the interaction with the customer so that it is oriented towards the closing of the sales process, and thus achieving the commercial objective of our interaction.

This usually involves asking our interlocutor strategic questions, often in a seemingly casual or innocently posed manner, at the same time that we are presenting persuasive arguments or answering objections effectively.

With this type of questions, and through the answers we obtain, we can move forward in the sales process until we reach the closing.

By actively and consciously directing the conversation towards the sale, we can maintain control of the interaction, keep the focus on the benefits of our offer and overcome the barriers to purchase.

In addition, by asking these types of questions, we demonstrate a deep understanding of the customer’s needs and desires, and a certain connection or complicity, so we can increase their confidence in our ability to meet their needs.

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