Riqueza Digital

Strategies to offer bonuses

Add additional value to drive purchase

Bonuses are part of most successful marketing strategies. They consist of offering some form of price, discount, extra, free gifts, discounts on other products or services, or in short some kind of additional benefit or privilege that goes directly along with the purchase of your product or service.

These bonuses can also include certain associated materials such as free ebooks, additional consulting sessions or access to premium content. Logically, you will need to tailor the type of bonus offered to the nature, features or functionality of your product or service.

Bonuses can be applied as part of the offer, especially when accompanied by a limited offer that allows the buyer to benefit from the bonus or advantage if they purchase within the limited time frame. This allows you to incentivize immediate purchase.

In the same vein, you could also apply bonuses only for first-time buyers, and thus create an additional sense of urgency, and a further motivation for your audience to decide to act more quickly.

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