Riqueza Digital

Repetition marketing strategies

Reinforce your message with strategic repetition.

Repetition is one of the most effective techniques in marketing, and therefore one of the most used and studied. First, repetition serves to reinforce your message and increase retention in the minds of your audience. Secondly, with repetition strategies, you make sure that your key message is remembered, is present with a certain frequency, and therefore, that it is taken into account when potential customers are ready to make purchasing decisions.

The most classic way to use repetition in marketing is through frequency of exposure, ensuring that your message is presented repeatedly over time across different channels and touch points. This can include regular social media posts, follow-up emails and paid ads that consistently reinforce your key message.

This technique will be familiar to you, precisely because it has been repeated ad nauseam and almost every marketing agency puts it at the top of their strategy. And it is precisely because it has been proven to work.

It is not only about repeating the same creative resource over and over again, but also about using the repetition of the key message within the content itself, as a way of reinforcing it, reiterating the benefits and main features of your offer, although the central idea must be conveyed in a clear and concise way.

Messages with a hook, reinforcement and that are repeated over time will help reinforce the perception of value of your product or service in the minds of your audience and increase the probability of conversion, and may even viralize a campaign. The maximum success is when the message is so effective that it becomes a popular expression, and we all have plenty of examples of repetitive campaigns that are remembered even after a long time has passed since they were broadcasted.

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