To achieve common goals and strengthen the household economy, the main tool is to make a financial plan that involves all members of the family, and that is developed in such a way that everyone understands it and makes their contribution to the success of the plan.
It is not possible to make a plan without understanding the starting point, therefore, the first step is to evaluate the family income and expenses, including debt, equity valuation, assets, opportunities, synergies that may exist and, in short, the most accurate picture of the family economy as possible.
Once this study has been carried out, clear and realistic financial goals must be established, such as saving for a vacation or paying off debts.
Once we are clear about the initial situation and we are also clear about the objectives we want to achieve, the next thing to do is to distribute the financial and operative responsibilities among all the family members according to their capacities.
This plan, like any serious plan, should be reviewed and adjusted regularly to ensure that everyone stays on track and to correct possible deviations.
A well-structured family financial plan should promote cooperation and encourage financial discipline, as this will always benefit everyone in the long run. The advantages of undertaking a family financial plan lie mainly in the collaborative synergy of the family group, as everyone pushes in the same direction towards the achievement of the set objectives, making the task of reaching them a joint achievement, while the path towards these goals is cleared of obstacles, and the burden of tasks and responsibilities is shared, making it also more bearable than if it is only one member of the family who has to bear the entire financial burden.