Riqueza Digital

Advantages of buying generic products

Save with generic brands

Opting for generic products instead of name brands usually means significant savings in anyone’s budget. Generic products often have the same quality as their brand-name counterparts, but at a much lower cost. This is especially true for basic products such as food, medicines and cleaning supplies.

Supermarkets and pharmacies often offer their own generic brands that meet the same quality standards as name brands. Comparing labels and trying different options can help you find generic products that meet your needs without sacrificing quality. This habit change can add up to considerable savings over time, but it will be reflected in your pocketbook immediately.

In addition, buying generic products can allow you to put the money you save into other important areas of your life, such as investments or emergency funds. Making this conscious change in your shopping habits not only benefits your personal economy, but can also contribute to reducing overconsumption and waste.

In that sense, an interesting practice, especially in fruits, vegetables, meat or fish, is to buy in bulk, by weight, instead of taking the product already counted and packaged from the displays. You save on polluting packaging, and you make sure that the price and weight of the product correspond to what you are actually taking home.

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