If you’re really solid and trustworthy, it won’t cost you anything to back up your marketing message with solid, reliable evidence, because ultimately, building trust is the best way to persuade your audience to take action and move from being mere prospects to loyal customers.
Not everyone trusts a marketer’s commercial message, so one of the most effective ways to increase credibility is to use testimonials from real customers, case studies or statistical data to back up the effectiveness of your offer. It is not perceived the same when you speak well of yourself as it is when others do.
Therefore, the more solid evidence you can provide, the more confidence you will generate in your audience and the more likely they are to become customers. There really is a direct relationship between proof and conversions.
Make sure you are transparent and honest in your communications, and always deliver on your promises. And above all, make sure those testimonials are sincere and true. When a testimonial sounds false, forced or bought, it has the opposite effect on the audience, creating distrust. Consistency and integrity are key to building a solid reputation and earning your audience’s trust in the long run.
If you don’t already have customer testimonials that can build trust, look for other types of evidence, such as trials, certifications, actual performance tests, or any other supporting material that can show the trustworthiness you want to convey.